Key Concepts:

  • Server

  • Client

  • Rooms

The server is able to create ‘rooms’ arbitrarily using the .join command * e.g. socket.join(‘some room’) adds the socket into a room

The server can then emit to all sockets in that room by specifying the room address in a .to + .emit(with payload)

		io.on("connection", (socket) => {  
		socket.join("some room");  
		});"some room").emit("some event");
* On the frontend make sure you put any immediate emits that you need inside of the initial connect(). This will stop any race conditions or issues with connections.
``` javascript
	* // Initialise the socket connection
socketRef.current = io(serverURL);
// check connection
socketRef.current.on("connect", () => {
console.log('this socket is called', socketRef.current?.id)
// // tell the server you have joined the game
socketRef.current?.emit("join-game", socketRef.current?.id)