There are rich inner worlds inside all of us waiting to be explored. And in that exploration we come to a deeper and fuller understanding of what it means to be alive in the first place.
Meditation, Contemplation, Prayer, Solitude, Journalling, Internal Family Systems, Psychedelics, Vision Quests, Trance States, Peak Experiences, Near Death Experiences, Jhanas, Dreams, Emotions, Deep Samadhi, Somatic Releasing, Breathwork, Ecstatic Dance, Love, Loss, Rapture, Grief…
Are all but a few of the many doorways into this space.
Once you’re in you’re in, and your understanding of your own phenomenology begins to grow deeper and richer with each passing day.
However cold and uncaring the universe may seem, within us there is a wellspring of boundless oceanic love available.
I believe that this Jon Hopkins song does a better job of saying this than I ever could.
As in each of us there once was a fire and for some of us there seem as if there are only ashes now.. but when we dig in the ashes, we find one ember. and very gently we fan that ember. blow on it. it gets brighter. and from that ember we rebuild the fire… the only thing that’s important is that ember. thats what you and I are here to celebrate… The ember gets stronger and the flame starts to flicker a bit. And pretty soon you realise that all we’re going to do for eternity, is sit around the fire.