Action Items:

  • Social Art Platform

    • Add authentication to project
    • Fix db schema to ensure authenticated users can be added to database
    • Setup process to automatically add authenticated users to db
    • Create a few different users and bunch of artworks
    • Have the feed populate
    • Add author name to artwork and like button
    • Enable functionality on the like button -> it actually modifies a value in the db
  • Bloom - Chat With Website

    • Write a function that takes the url, serves it to and receives back a JSON object with the parsed site contents.
    • Create a second input box on the page with a button, when I add this parsed content and click the button, it gets given to Bloom and Bloom serves up a response as the most current conversation item.
    • Create a functional route handle for /{url} -> mvp: whenever someone prepends something to / (e.g. /{url}) they are served a page that says “you are interested in {url}”
  • Retreat Tracker Agent

    • think about a better UI, potentially with user input
    • improve the agent search functionality by adding more exception handling
    • record and post a video of what i’m working on to X

Drawing 2024-10-23 10.06.52.excalidraw